Sunday, October 29, 2006



Well, it's time to take the plunge.

Everybody's got a novel in them (or several to make up for those unfortunates who don't) and it's time I got mine out. November is National Novel Writing Month, a thirty day marathon to write that novel you were always planning to do some day.

While I have sort of fallen down on the job as a blogger, I'm sure I'll do better writing fiction than fact. 50,000 words in one month? Why that's just an average of 1667 words per day. I could do that standing on my head! Or at least if my head weren't so round that I keep falling over.

All there is to do is do it. There's nothing really to lose, and everything to gain. Why, there's even a screenplay-writing version to be held this summer for those who think novels are old hat.

So with any luck, by December I will be an authentic novelist.

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