Friday, August 04, 2006


website forum

Part of my plan for my hobby website was to add a forum or bulletin board. This was to enable vistors to participate in the process, and give people a reason to come back.

I went ahead and subscribed to a service to do it for me, as I was overwhelmed by the prospect of building it myself. I didn't want to get halfway through and then abandon the project from frustration. I'll think of this as an interim board: I'll put up the 'real' one later.

It looks forlorn now, with no entries. I'll see if I can drum up some enthusiasts to get the ball rolling. Kind of like a busker putting the first bits of change in the guitar case.

I have been making improvements on the site, mostly by adding information. But as I go I am starting to perceive some major drawbacks to the way I went about it. I wish I had known about CSS when I started. And there must be a way for me to simply update the data base without having to 'hand-craft' each page when I add a bit of info.

No doubt this whole project will have to be completely rebuilt once I've reached a certain point.

Sometimes I just have to learn the hard way.

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